Monday, February 15, 2010

Christmas pictures. . .a bit late. . .

So, I was looking back over our blog and realized we never posted Christmas pictures from our own family Christmas. Maybe that's because we left the country shortly after and we didn't have time, but since I'm on a blogging marathon catch-up, I might as well include Christmas, too.

Starting with our SI Staff Christmas Party

From Christmas 2009

In front of the Christmas tree (can you tell it got pulled over 2x?)
From Christmas 2009

The cast of our church Christmas play, "El Arca de Noe" (Noah's Ark; go figure). Note the cute little donkey trying to be in character. :)
From Christmas 2009

In character again. Can you tell her costume is too small? It was made for a tico-sized 5 year old.
From Christmas 2009

The Christmas Canata I sang in with our church: No Fue Una Noche Mas (Not Another Silent Night is the English version, I think.)
From Christmas 2009

We took a day "off" and headed to Volcán Irrazú.
From Christmas 2009

From Christmas 2009

Olivia LOVES her new bike!
From Christmas 2009

And Sawyer LOVES his new tools!
From Christmas 2009

So, um, Merry Christmas 2009!

1 comment:

Caleb and Joanna Swart said...

Hi Jeff and Tracey--
Taking advantage of being in the US to view comments and actually get to leave some of my own. I just looked back over some of your blog, it was fun to see pictures of you all. It looks like life in Costa Rica agrees with you...Olivia and Sawyer are gorgeous. Congratulations on baby #3 coming! Glad to get a chance to 'catch up' a bit with you.