Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A Good Reminder

Last night I had the privilege of speaking to the InterVaristy chapter at Fresno State. As part of the time there a couple of students shared testimonies about their experiences at Urbana (the tri-annual student missions convention recently held). One of the students shared about how Urbana in conjunction with other experiences, one of them being a Students International outreach, had cemented in her a heart for the poor and a calling to work with them. Because of that she recently declared Social Work as her major.

It is easy for me to get bogged down in the “little” day-to-day things involved in my job and to forget the big picture. But hearing a testimony like that from a student who truly encountered God on an outreach is a good reminder about why I do what I do and how God is using it. He really is transforming lives! Praise God!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Sawyer's Tricks

Sawyer says:
I can crawl,

I can sit,

I can pull myself up to stand,

I can even be a polar bear!!

Not too shabby for 7 months!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


From the mouth of Olivia:

"Mom, can I have some yum-n-nums?" (M&Ms)

"Sawyer popped awake!!"

"I'm still a big girl. . .AND a baby."

"Olivia went pee-pee on the pot-TEE!! Ok, now I need a Jell-o Bean!!"

"I want too much of that."

"I got Owen, an' Alyssa, an' I got TWO Williams and TWO Rachels--no, too MANY Rachels."

"Alyssa's seeking (hiding) in the favily room. I don't know where she is!"

"Daddy, you go seek. I'll count: 2, 4, 2, 6, 1, 8. . ."

"Jesus loves me, all the children. . ."

"Dear Jesus, Thank you Mommy, Daddy, Sawyer, Olivia, Bob the Builder (giggles). Thank you all us sleep good. . ."