We are beginning to see all aspects of life in terms of adventure. Our big ones right now are the adventures of marriage, of parenting, of work, of service, of following Jesus. Adventure gives excitement, or at least a certain anticipation and purpose, to even the routine areas of our lives. May God give us the perspective to see each stage of our lives as an adventure no matter how seemingly mundane.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
On the Road to Costa Rica
We have an amazing opportunity for adventure as a family this summer in Costa Rica. Our trip will have dual purposes. The first will be to help lead two outreaches near a town in the rain forest called Shiroles. We will partner with a missionary and a local church to do what God has called them to do with the Bribri and Cabecar Indians. Students will be assisting with various projects including a water project, community vegetable farm, and teaching ESL classes at a local school.
The second purpose for our adventure in Costa Rica will be to scout out future opportunities for Students International. SI would like to create a more long term ministry presence in CR, including at least one semester program for college students. We have sensed that the time was coming for us to leave Visalia and go somewhere overseas. It seems that God is opening doors widely for us to move to Costa Rica next summer! Please pray with us that our time of scouting will be productive, and that God will continue to make clear paths for us and for SI. Please pray, too, for all of the logistical aspects of traveling (and possibly tenting) with children!
We are also tacking on two weeks in Guatemala at the end of our time in CR. We look forward to reporting to you all that God does during this summer adventure. Our dates of travel are June 7 - July 21.
Olivia and Sawyer
Kids, I think, are experts at finding adventure in ordinary things. Olivia uses her endless imagination and chatter to create daily adventure. She has 3 imaginary friends: Gooka, Jershin, and Bit. She is mostly accident-free in potty training and likes to watch Daddy “move the lawn.” Sawyer, at 10 months, is turning out to be quite an adventurer. He likes to climb and explore (sometimes where he shouldn’t). He’s also become very vocal when Big Sister takes away his toys.